Carrie Busey

When Aby Olson was 16, she loved coaching younger kids on her local swim team and teaching swim lessons in Rockford. Still, she didn’t decide to make teaching her career until her sophomore year at University of Illinois, when she enjoyed teaching sports and other physical activities at the university’s Sports Fitness Program.

Throughout her five-year career, including the last three years at Carrie Busey in Champaign, Olson has worked to make PE a class all students can enjoy.

I find my work important because … I am able to teach students how to be physically literate, that there is more to physical education than team sports, and that being physically active is for a lifetime not just for when you are younger.

I became a teacher because … I love being able to work with students of all ages and nothing is better than being able to see students learn and grow from the time they walk into the gym as kindergartners to the time they leave the gym as fifth graders. That’s one of the best parts about being a specials teacher I think is that you are able to teach students for multiple years in a row and really see how much they have grown through the years.

My favorite or most unique lesson that I teach is … I have been so lucky to be able to teach so many things but I think one of my favorite things this past year was being able to teach bowling. To celebrate the end of our bowling unit, my classes had a glow bowling day where we had all the gym lights off, some blacklights set up, and lots of other glow in the dark items for them to use while bowling with their friends.

My most fulfilling moments on the job include … seeing a skill just click when students who have been struggling with learning a specific skill for a while and now they’ve finally got it; in January when my students know that we’re about to start fitnessgram testing and for two weeks straight most of my students are begging to run the PACER test; and also just getting to stand in the hallways in the morning and say “Hi,” or “Good morning,” and seeing the smiles on students faces and getting hugs from my students when they walk by.

I keep students engaged by … doing everything I can to make each unit fun as well as switching up my activities from year to year. I know that not every student will enjoy certain units but I try to find other games or activities to teach that I know will reach those students who might struggle enjoying PE otherwise.

I’m also passionate about … swimming and coaching. I grew up taking swim lessons and being on a swim team, so now it’s my turn to help the younger generation of swimmers learn to love the sport of swimming.

My favorite teacher and subject to study in school was … This is a tough question but my favorite teacher was my biology teacher from high school, Ms. Schroeder. I have always loved learning about the human body and how it moves. She was a tough teacher and coach but she always believed in her students no matter what. She was a teacher who knew that making connections with her students was important and worked hard to form those relationships. My other favorite was one of college professors, Gary Crull. He taught several of my Kinesiology classes but was another teacher that truly cared for all of his students. He is the reason that I became a physical education teacher and he taught me the importance of loving what you do.

If I weren’t a teacher, I would be … I would love to be a full time coach if I wasn’t a teacher. There’s just something about being able to work with kids that I thoroughly enjoy especially when it comes to swimming.

I’m spending my summer break … coaching the Sholem Sharks Swim Team through the Champaign Park District and spending lots of quality time with my family.